Nish Hair Net Worth

Nish Hair, the hair extension brand founded by actress Parul Gulati, is estimated to have a net worth of around ₹50 crores (approximately $6.3 million USD). This valuation is based on various reports and media sources.

It's important to note that Nish Hair is a private company and its financial information is not publicly available. Therefore, the estimated net worth is based on various factors, such as:

  • The company's revenue and profitability
  • The size of the hair extensions market in India
  • The brand's popularity and reputation
  • The investment it received on Shark Tank India season 2 (₹1 crore for a 2% stake)

While the exact net worth of Nish Hair may vary, it is clear that the brand has become a successful player in the Indian hair extensions market.


Bhaskar Singh

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